Installation and configuration Web MeetMe
Posted by Mehroz Ashraf | Posted in 2011 , asterisk , Centos , conference , hashtrix , installation , linux , open , source , web-meetme | Posted on 4:10 AM
This manual is about the installation and configuration of web-MeetMe version 3.0.3.
These set of instructions / guide lines are based on Centos – 5.0
Asterisk 1.4 or later
MySQL 3.23 or later.
Yum install mysql
Yum install mysql-devel
PHP 4.3 or later
Yum install php
Yum install php-mysql
PEAR::DB (php-pear)
Yum install php-pear
1) Down load the specified version of webmeet me i.e Web-Meetme 3.0.3.
Extract the .tar file in web directory. i.e, /var/www/html/
2) Setup the database:
Create a database meetme
mysql> create database meetme;
Create the tables specified in /web-meetme/cbmysql/db-table-create-v5.txt
Copy each tables’s code from the file and paste it in mysql command line.
After building all tables, grant all privileges to database meetme;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON meetme.* TO db_user @’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY 'db_passwd';
Write your mysql user name and password in db_user and db_passwd
Similarly , create a table defined in web-meetme/cbmysql/ db-admin-user-create.txt
3) Compile and install CBMySQL
Go to the directory /var/www/html/web-meetme/cbmysql
To install run:
Make install
Copy the sample cbmysql.conf to /etc/asterisk and create a dialplan in extension.conf similar to the one in cb-extensions.conf.sample .Modify the settings to suit your system. The location of the mysql.sock file is likely not correct, check /etc/my.conf for
the correct location
4) Install Web-MeetMe
Modify the /var/www/html/web-meetme/lib/defines.php to match you
database settings.
define ("WEBROOT", "http://your IP address here");
define ("FSROOT", "your web-meetme directory here (/var/www/html/web-meetme");
define ("LIBDIR", FSROOT."lib/");
Also comment the aunthentication lines to disable authentication.
//define ("AUTH_TYPE", "adLDAP"); // adLDAP or sqldb
//define ("ADMIN_GROUP", "Domain Admins");
//define ("AUTH_TIMEOUT", "3"); //Hours
//include (LIBDIR.AUTH_TYPE.".php");
Copy ../web-meetme/phpagi/phpagi.example.conf to
/etc/asterisk , rename it to phpagi.conf and modify it to match the settings in your
Set an account in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
similar to this:
secret = {pick-a-password}
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
Set your phpagi.conf file:
# server to connect to
# default manager port
#username for login
#password for login
secret=(password(secret) of MeetMe in manager.conf)
Stop asterisk and restart again and reload it:
CLI> stop now
[root@localhost]#Asterisk -r
CLI> reload
Change the permission level on web-meetme folder and on the files given below
Go to the directory cd /var/www/html
chmod 777 web-meetme
Go to the directory cd /var/www/html/web-meetme/lib
chmod 777 defines.php
chmod 777 database.php
Browse your web-meetme followed by the IP address of your Linux/Asterisk machine
You should be able to connect to the web-meet me page.
Schedule a conference!
Note the conference number
Dial 1995, the prompt would ask for the conference number and password to enter through DTMF, that you have schedule.
These set of instructions / guide lines are based on Centos – 5.0
Asterisk 1.4 or later
MySQL 3.23 or later.
Yum install mysql
Yum install mysql-devel
PHP 4.3 or later
Yum install php
Yum install php-mysql
PEAR::DB (php-pear)
Yum install php-pear
1) Down load the specified version of webmeet me i.e Web-Meetme 3.0.3.
Extract the .tar file in web directory. i.e, /var/www/html/
2) Setup the database:
Create a database meetme
mysql> create database meetme;
Create the tables specified in /web-meetme/cbmysql/db-table-create-v5.txt
Copy each tables’s code from the file and paste it in mysql command line.
After building all tables, grant all privileges to database meetme;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON meetme.* TO db_user @’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY 'db_passwd';
Write your mysql user name and password in db_user and db_passwd
Similarly , create a table defined in web-meetme/cbmysql/ db-admin-user-create.txt
3) Compile and install CBMySQL
Go to the directory /var/www/html/web-meetme/cbmysql
To install run:
Make install
Copy the sample cbmysql.conf to /etc/asterisk and create a dialplan in extension.conf similar to the one in cb-extensions.conf.sample .Modify the settings to suit your system. The location of the mysql.sock file is likely not correct, check /etc/my.conf for
the correct location
4) Install Web-MeetMe
Modify the /var/www/html/web-meetme/lib/defines.php to match you
database settings.
define ("WEBROOT", "http://your IP address here");
define ("FSROOT", "your web-meetme directory here (/var/www/html/web-meetme");
define ("LIBDIR", FSROOT."lib/");
Also comment the aunthentication lines to disable authentication.
//define ("AUTH_TYPE", "adLDAP"); // adLDAP or sqldb
//define ("ADMIN_GROUP", "Domain Admins");
//define ("AUTH_TIMEOUT", "3"); //Hours
//include (LIBDIR.AUTH_TYPE.".php");
Copy ../web-meetme/phpagi/phpagi.example.conf to
/etc/asterisk , rename it to phpagi.conf and modify it to match the settings in your
Set an account in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
similar to this:
secret = {pick-a-password}
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
Set your phpagi.conf file:
# server to connect to
# default manager port
#username for login
#password for login
secret=(password(secret) of MeetMe in manager.conf)
Stop asterisk and restart again and reload it:
CLI> stop now
[root@localhost]#Asterisk -r
CLI> reload
Change the permission level on web-meetme folder and on the files given below
Go to the directory cd /var/www/html
chmod 777 web-meetme
Go to the directory cd /var/www/html/web-meetme/lib
chmod 777 defines.php
chmod 777 database.php
Browse your web-meetme followed by the IP address of your Linux/Asterisk machine
You should be able to connect to the web-meet me page.
Schedule a conference!
Note the conference number
Dial 1995, the prompt would ask for the conference number and password to enter through DTMF, that you have schedule.
What is chmod?
CHMOD is for granting the permissions on the particular file or directory